Who Am I?
I’m Ashley, and I’m someone that deeply values positive connections and creative expression… so I became a professional art therapist and qualifying registered psychotherapist!
As a child I struggled with quite a few big things, namely my emotions and my self worth. Despite these struggles, whenever I sang or imagined or created art, I felt better than ever. Empowered, capable, and maybe even a little awesome! Later in life, I was given resources that allowed me to process my past, grow, and overcome what used to hold me back from accepting myself, trusting the world, and communicating effectively with others. I realized, too, that I could offer support and a safe space to others who were in shoes similar to my past self.
This is why I created Art of YOU!
Art of YOU! and I create a space that is positive, supportive, and centered around your needs! Creative activities and materials are a wonderful way for the brain to try out new solutions, to heal past experiences, and to discuss things in a way that makes us feel safe (check this out if you want more concrete information on art therapy and why it works!). I am here to help you feel safe, supported, and capable. I believe in you, especially because I’ve been there in some capacity. I’m human too, I’m not perfect, but I intend to help you recognize and work through whatever you’re ready to, at a pace that is right for you, because you are amazing. You can do this! And it’s my honor to get a chance to be a teammate and personal cheerleader for you on whatever journey you choose to take with me.